I have never walked on water but I sure as hell have come close to drowning being unaligned with the universe in the wrong relationships, showing up at the wrong job, giving more than a listening ear to others, who in turn have exhausted my beautiful soul with their uncertainties, holding me back from my blessings.
In this season, I made the decision to run for my life from those who are lost in the discomforts of their own minds. I have tapped into my Creative Power knowing that I am strong and capable of all things simply because I AM WOMAN! I can fly solo in my invisible cape because I am free to make all things happen.
I have connected with mother earth, who has given me an abundance amount of strength, helping me realize that sometimes a girl’s gotta fly solo in order to shake loose the boulders that have been holding her back, when all she needs is to do is “put on her good bra and get it the fuck moving.”
We cannot allow people and their inner critic voices to row us downstream into a waterfall of insecurities when the seaside is full of hope and beauty. It is time you trust your gut and Dream Honey! Embrace the Grace that God has bestowed in those strong hips and believe no matter what, whom, or where, you can create a beautiful future for yourself.
Let today be the day that you trust your heart and believe no matter the fall, it’s okay to break a leg, you have two of those bitches if one gives out. You can do it, you were born to do Amazing shit!
It’s time you let go of that fear and depend upon your strengths. Take some quiet time to reconnect with your inner-self knowing that the sky is full of miracles, you are “free as a bird,” and its time you embrace all of your desires to do something different because this is your season to manifest a new path to becoming more creative. All you have to do is start is “Put On Your Good Bra and Fly.”